Friday, October 11, 2013

Memories of Summer

"Summer Memory"     4" x 6"     Pastel    $35.00   © Sharon Lewis
Click Here to Purchase

Ah, the end of the workweek and the weather is beautiful here in Georgia...though it feels like we're having a repeat of summer. It's due to get in the 80s today and so I'm going to choose to think of long days filled with light and reminisce about a summer day I spent in one of my favorite cities, Seattle, WA. We were having an especially nice dinner since our vacation was ending and we were due to leave the next morning. It was a cool but beautiful, sunny evening. We ate outside with the water lapping just below us and the mountains in the distance. As we sat sipping our wine, we could see all the colorful sailboats heading home. The sun disappeared slowly over the horizon but not before setting the sails of this one sailboat all aglow. 
What a gorgeous, peaceful sight. Today's painting is of that sailboat heading home.

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