Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving!

“Family Gathering”         6” x 6”        Pastel         © Sharon Lewis

I hope that wherever you are this Thanksgiving, that you are gathered with love to celebrate this holiday of gratitude.

Friday, November 20, 2020


“Windswept”           12” x 16”        Pastel           $200       © Sharon Lewis

Click Here to Purchase

            I’ve needed a respite from the non-stop scary-bad news about COVID and maybe you do too. So, look out a window or better yet, take a walk outside if possible. Notice the trees, listen for the sound of birds, even if you live in a city. Or just sit still for a moment or two, close your eyes and remember a favorite vacation scene….a relaxing, beautiful scene and take a deep breath. The scene I’ve painted is one that I find relaxing and fascinating. The beautiful mountains stand out and I never get tired of them but I also love the interesting patterns on the water created by shadows and wind. Ahhhhhh.

            Happy Weekend!


Friday, November 13, 2020

Looks Like Blue Skies Ahead


“Looks Like Blue Skies Ahead”       6” x 9”      Oil          $80       © Sharon Lewis

Click Here to Purchase

             I realize this is a strange title to be posting in the middle of surges in COVID across the nation but at this stressful time, I’m focusing on some positive news. The 2020 election is over and hopefully we will begin to work on solutions to our country’s and the world’s most pressing problems. I’m hoping that the rhetoric will eventually become less vitriolic, less personal, and more focused on the acute issues before us. I’m also focused on the good news about vaccines and hope that soon we will have an administration focused on distribution to those who need it the most.

            Happy Weekend!

Friday, November 6, 2020

The Dawn of a New Day

“The Dawn of a New Day”      8” x 10”      Oil          $95        © Sharon Lewis

Click Here to Purchase

            The election returns are still coming in as I write this but the trend suggests that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be our new President and Vice-President. I am so looking forward to a return to honor, decency, compassion, and honesty in high office and to a return to respect for our democratic values. I’m looking forward to rational, thoughtful, decision-making that reflects informed opinions from respected professionals. I look forward to “gut” responses or emotional responses being used only when someone chooses maybe new shoes or the color of their walls but not for making decisions for our country. As a country, I think that we have always been stronger when we invite diverse people to sit together at the table to solve problems. I know however that we have much work to do if we are to honor the principles identified in our Declaration of Independence. We must work hard to change conditions in our country if we are to protect each citizen’s inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But, for now, I am happy to welcome a new day for the US presidency.

            Happy Weekend!