Thursday, June 13, 2024

Southwest Sunshine

“Southwest Sunshine      8” x 10”    Pastel    $75    © Sharon Lewis

              I’m packing my art supplies in preparation for attending the International Association of Pastel Societies, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. For a few days, I will take classes and a workshop so that I can continue to grow as an artist. I always find learning new methods and painting new subjects both exciting and humbling since this process always involves for me, having to accept that at least initially, my skill will not match my aspirations. I will be able to see where I want to be in terms of skill but need to accept that it will take time and practice to get there. Becoming a better painter is an endless series of lessons in patience and optimism. Now if I can just manage not to buy all the cool art supplies they’ll have on display!

            Happy Weekend!


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