Friday, June 28, 2024

Emerald Waves

“Emerald Waves”         5” x 7”        Acrylic       $140       © Sharon Lewis
Click Here to Purchase

                 Recently, I’ve been  painting with acrylics – a medium I haven’t used in a very long time. I find it interesting how each medium has its own quirks that the artist has to keep in mind. When I paint with pastels, the color and value don’t change once placed on a surface. With acrylics, I have to keep remembering that the colors dry slightly darker than when I first put them on canvas. Also, with pastels, since they are a dry medium (They are pigment held together with a binder and formed into sticks that look a little like chalk.), I can easily brush off or change an area in minutes. With acrylics, I have to get out my paints, medium, my brushes, palette knife, my palette, and then I can adjust an area….maybe. In spite of the challenges, it’s been a lot of fun painting with acrylics.

            This is a scene I found fascinating. Just a few miles away from this beach it was a pretty warm summer day. When we wound down from the hills to this beach however, there was a really cold wind coming from this beautiful, emerald and indigo sea.

            Happy Weekend!

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