Friday, May 29, 2020

Field Trip

“ Field Trip”           9” x 9”         Pastel          $100          © Sharon Lewis
Click Here to Purchase

            In keeping with my plan to paint favorite places, this is Angel Island, off the coast of San Francisco. I was fortunate enough to have a conference in SF several years ago and in between meetings, we took a ferry out to this beautiful island to hike for several hours. Because it was a week day we had the island mostly to ourselves except for a group of school children. Once you leave the dock, you can easily get up to a ridge where you can hike around the island with gorgeous views of the water almost no matter where you walk. It was my idea of a perfect day: sunny with a cool breeze. I hope it will not be too long before I’m out here again….maybe this summer?
            Happy Weekend!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

We’re In This Together

“We’re In This Together”     9” x 9”   Pastel    $100    © Sharon Lewis
Click Here to Purchase
            Normally, this time of year would find me traveling to a professional conference and I’m really missing that right now. I miss the fun of visiting Chicago, which is a city I love and is where my conference was meeting this year. So, since I’ve been missing traveling more than usual lately, I decided to create some of my favorite places via painting. Today’s painting is of one of my favorite beaches to visit on Wild Dunes near Charleston, South Carolina.
            Happy Weekend and a Happy 1st Birthday to William Walden, my wonderful grandchild!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

His Backyard

“His Backyard”        8” x 10”       Pastel       $75     © Sharon Lewis
Click Here to Purchase
             I have a friend and colleague, Joe, who is the envy of all of us with this beautiful view as his backyard. I’m still trying to figure out how he ever gets up the motivation to go into work every day. However, given how spectacularly he has done his very challenging job for decades, I’d say this is exactly the magnificent view that he deserves.
            Happy Weekend!

Friday, May 8, 2020

The Bright Side of Life

“The Bright Side of Life”         9” x 9”       Pastel       $100     © Sharon Lewis
Click Here to Purchase
            One of my favorite songs is a Monty Python song, “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.” The lyrics are cheerful and silly and ridiculous as Monty Python songs tend to be, but they never fail to cheer me up.
             This has been a tough time for so many people I know these last several months and so in  typical Irish-American fashion I want to find humor somewhere and Monty Python is always a great source. I also am focusing on those things that cause a feeling of awe. For me, it is the sight of a beautiful sky, reminding me that not all is sad or ugly….especially if we can still laugh and revel in the beauty of a gorgeous sky.
            Happy Weekend and to all the mothers that I know, Happy Mother’s Day!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Last Dance

“Last Dance”         9” x 9”       Pastel       $100     © Sharon Lewis
Click Here to Purchase
       This was the eastern sky, reflecting the glory of the sunset in the west and illuminating these dancing clouds. It’s so amazing to me that these collections of water vapor can join together in such a graceful waltz across the sky…their last dance before it all begins again the next evening. But then it will be a different but equally beautiful and mysterious dance across the sky, leaving me wondering where the dancers go when the symphony stops. 
      Happy Weekend!