Friday, September 20, 2024

Clouds in the Country

  “Clouds in the Country”       8” x 10”         Pastel        $160       © Sharon Lewis


             The first day of Autumn is hours away but with the temperatures anything but fall-like, I’m reminded of summer.  That’s when I often see clouds like these rising up from behind the trees. I can’t wait for cooler temperatures but I will miss these beautiful clouds.

            Happy Weekend!


Friday, September 13, 2024

Just in Time

“Just in Time”        5” x 7”         Pastel        $105       © Sharon Lewis 

Click Here to Purchase 

            It’s been gray and rainy here in the Atlanta area and it’s due to be that way for several days. As much as I welcome the much-needed rain, I hate the gray days. So, I’m focusing on a different place and time. Earlier this summer, we arrived on the coast of Washington State just in time to see this spectacular sunset. I plan on holding this memory close this weekend.

            Happy Weekend!


Friday, September 6, 2024

Summer Memories II

“Summer Memories II”       2.5” x 3.5”         Pastel        $26.25       © Sharon Lewis
Click Here to Purchase

            I’m ready for the cooler temperatures of fall but still holding onto the memories of the long days of light I enjoy in summer. I’m remembering looking out over the many blues and greens of  the sea against the background of fluffy clouds and a beautiful, blue sky. Ah, the end of summer and the beginning of fall is always bittersweet.

            Happy Weekend!