Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

“Fall Bounty”         9” x 12”        Pastel          $100            © Sharon Lewis
Click Here to Purchase

              I feel very fortunate for in a few short hours, I will have both of my children home with me for Thanksgiving. I can’t wait!
             I hope wherever you are, that you have a very Happy Thanksgiving. May it be filled with good food and drink, and with warm and loving company!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

What's Just Around the Corner?

“Just Around the Corner”        9” x 12”      Pastel          $100            © Sharon Lewis
Click Here to Purchase

            What is it about paths or roads that seem so seductive, so inviting ? Maybe to those of us that are intensely curious they seem to promise a good adventure. I always imagine following a path or road and discovering something new and exciting just around the corner.
            When I look down the road in this painting I find myself asking, “Where will it lead me?” What about you? What do you see when you look down the road?

            Happy Weekend!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Loser Buys the Beers!

“Racing Home”    Pastel    9” x 12”    $100    © Sharon Lewis
Click Here to Purchase

        Several years ago I was on a ferry with family and friends between Boston and Provincetown. It was an absolutely gorgeous summer day in New England…cool and sunny on the water. We couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day until I got an additional gift: on our way back we ran into a sailboat race. All of a sudden there were tons of brightly colored sails all around us. I enjoy painting sailboats so I started taking so many photos that a fellow passenger asked me if there was someone famous on one of the sailboats. I laughed and explained I just wanted the photos to paint from. She looked a little puzzled as if that sounded crazy and for anyone who lives in or around Boston, it probably did sound crazy. After all, they can see sailboats all the time unlike where I live in landlocked Atlanta.       
       Just looking at this painting, I can remember enjoying being with my family, the warmth of the day, the cool breeze and the sun on my face, the sounds of the gulls hoping for a snack from an unwary tourist, and all of the colorful sails that I couldn’t wait to paint.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

What Kind of Clouds are These?

“Through Borders Wild”      Pastel    9” x 12”      $100        © Sharon Lewis
Click Here to Purchase

            I’ve mentioned before in this blog how much I’m fascinated by clouds. I have nearly walked into trees many times because I was so captivated by beautiful clouds. Fortunately, I have friends and family members who are very understanding and even occasionally save me from a painful intersection with a tree or lamppost. I have to admit that although I’m enthralled by the colors and designs I see in the clouds, I usually have no idea what type of cloud I’m studying. However. I’m thinking of getting a cloud book (yes, there is such a thing) that was recommended by my friend and fellow artist, Karen Margulis. It’s called The Cloud Collector's Handbook by Gavin Pretor-Pinney and contains descriptions and photos of every type of cloud imaginable. The clouds in this painting are to the best of my limited knowledge, cumulus clouds.
            Happy Weekend!