Friday, August 30, 2024

Summer Memories

“Summer Memories”        2.5” x 3.5”         Pastel        $26.25       © Sharon Lewis

Click Here to Purchase

             Like many of my friends I have mixed feelings about Labor Day. I appreciate that it’s a holiday for most people but it also marks the end of summer. Although I love that fall will bring cooler temperatures and less humidity (eventually), I will miss the long days of light we enjoy during summer. Summer also gives us spectacular displays of clouds which I love. Yes, clear blue skies can be nice but for someone who loves painting interesting skies, I’ll take some huge clouds any day.

            Happy Weekend and Happy Labor Day!


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Icy Cold

“Icy Cold”        8” x 10”         Pastel        $160       © Sharon Lewis
Click Here to Purchase

            This is another view of the beautiful, cold waters of the Saanich Inlet later in the evening. The water isn’t really icy but it is a great deal colder than the south Atlantic coastal waters I grew up swimming in. Today’s temperature is about 55 degrees F which is a bit cold for swimming comfortably but is great for providing cool breezes on a summer day.

            Happy Weekend!


Friday, August 16, 2024

The View From Above

“The View From Above”       8” x 10”         Pastel        $160       © Sharon Lewis

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             When I travel, I’m always looking for places to stay that have beautiful views, preferably of water, mountains, or both. On Vancouver Island, we stayed only one night with this gorgeous view of the Saanich Inlet. This is a place where no air conditioning was necessary, even in July – my kind of place to stay in the summer!

            Happy Weekend!


Friday, August 9, 2024


“Lucky”         5” x 7”         Pastel        $ 105      © Sharon Lewis

Click Here to Purchase

            It’s rare that I’m lucky enough to combine my love of the outdoors and my love of painting but on my recent trip to the west coast I was so excited to be able to enjoy both. I had a sunny day, with cool breezes and a beautiful view of the ocean in front of me. I couldn’t have been happier!

            Happy Weekend!