Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Reaching toward the Heavens

“Reaching Toward the Heavens”          12” x 18”         Pastel        $ 324     © Sharon Lewis

            This painting shows a lovely peaceful cove along the eastern coast of Newfoundland, Canada. This summer, I plan to visit the west coast of Canada and spend some time on Vancouver Island. My primary goal in July and August is to get out of Hotlanta and seek cool breezes on the water someplace beautiful.

            Happy Weekend!


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Weekend Sailors

“Weekend Sailors”      5” x 7”         Pastel        $ 105      © Sharon Lewis

             Many years ago, I was visiting Seattle, one of my favorite cities. Not only does the city have all the usual great restaurants and art museums, it’s also on the water and so close to beautiful hikes in the mountains. One of the things I love to do when out there, is to eat someplace on the water and enjoy great food, cool breezes, and watch the sailboats go by.

            Happy Weekend!


Friday, July 19, 2024

What's Left Behind

“What’s Left Behind ”          8” x 10”         Pastel        $240        © Sharon Lewis

Click Here to Purchase

            This beautiful beach with its clear, blue water is wonderful for walking and exploring what the sea has left behind in the tide pools. However, this is not the place for sunbathing as the temperature is likely in the 50’s or low 60’s in July. I can’t wait to be here!

            Happy Weekend!


Friday, July 12, 2024

Windswept Beach

“Windswept Beach”          8” x 10”         Pastel        $240        © Sharon Lewis

Click Here to Purchase

             In just a few weeks, I'll be walking here – a beautiful  beach with starfish of all different colors. It will also be cool to cold with wonderful sea breezes. I can’t wait!

            Happy Weekend!


Friday, July 5, 2024

4th of July Weekend

 “4th of July Weekend”    12” x 18”    Pastel    $430    © Sharon Lewis

Click Here to Purchase    

             I hope wherever you are this weekend, that you get a chance to enjoy sunshine, good food, and time with family and friends.

            Happy 4th of July Weekend!